
Welcome to the Flow!


Our Weekly Service Times:

Sunday -Coffee & Community at 9:30am

-Optional Bible study for Adults

Worship Service 10:30am

-Jr & Sr Kidz Church-Nursery

-Birth to 3 years

Wednesday 6:30pm

-Kidz Jam Children's Ministry

-RISE Youth Ministry

-Topical Classes & Prayer for Adults

-Nursery -Birth to 3 years

Office Hours : 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Thursday

Everyone is welcomed at CBF. It is our sincere desire that all — men, women, boys and girls — come into a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience daily the power of His eternal love. A believer can increasingly grow into an intimate, vibrant relationship with Christ as he or she becomes more grounded in His Word.

An usher will give you a program and help you find a seat. Commmunion, prayer, praise and worship, giving, and biblical teaching are key components of our worship service each week. You will experience dynamic praise and worship, comprising a blend of contemporary and traditional gospel music. Our Senior Pastor, Ron Smedley, delivers an energetic, inspiring and challenging Word from the Lord.

As a new guest swing by our hospitality area for your free gift!