Pastor Ron and Kathy Smedley
Pastor Ron Smedley and Kathy Smedley
Pastor Ron and Kathy have been in ministry for over 40 years. Ron is a native Texan and Kathy is from Missouri but is proud to be called a Texan now. They met in Christian college in Mississippi and have been happily married for 43 years. After graduating with a degree in Pastoral Studies, and graduate studies and trainings Pastor Ron has pastored seven churches and was also a caseworker for the State of Texas with Texas Department of Criminal Justice and Child Protective Services. Kathy got a degree in social work and earned her M.Ed in counseling from UNT. She then was certified by the state as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She also has three licenses with national counselor certifications and is on several Christian Counseling Referral Networks. She has extensive experience with individuals, children, and families. She has been an executive at Children’s Homes and was Program Director for the Child Advocacy Center before opening a counseling practice in Winnsboro.
Because of their love for Jesus and their professional and ministry experiences they have given their lives to help hurting people. Helping real people with real problems in relevant ways, has driven their desire to build a culture of healing at CBF. Their desire is when people visit CBF they hear solid biblical teaching, but also experience the love of the Father and a loving community that helps provide spiritual support to help all experience wholeness body, soul, and spirit.
Ron and Kathy have been serving their respective communities in various capacities from coaches, club officers to serving on the school board.
Pastor Ron and Kathy say they are excited to be a part of Hopkins County and to be strategically located between Sulphur Springs, Peerless, Como, Mount Vernon, Winnsboro, and Sulphur Bluff area. We are excited to be a part of a community that has so many great churches and ministries. We look forward to partnering with them to fulfill our call at CBF Dike to help people become intimate with the Heavenly Father.
They feel their greatest accomplishment is rearing four adult children who are all serving the Lord.
Pastor Ron is passionate for Lord Jesus, but a very distant second is college football, hunting, fishing, and golf. Kathy is a voracious reader, loves to travel but her joy is being a “Koko” to her four grandchildren.
They want you to know that we take joy in loving those who come in our doors as they are, and if you are currently not part of a spiritual family, we would love for you to be a part of ours! WE WILL WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS!
Elder Billy & Lisa Bryant
Elders Billy Bryant and Lisa Bryant
Our family moved and settled in this community 25 years ago. Our journey has opened us up to become involved in ministry.
Billy has served as a Deacon, then an Elder for a number of years, as well as other ministries. Lisa has served in Children's Ministries for many years, as well as other ministries.
We came to CBF in 2014, and have been members since 2015.
Executive Pastor Jerry and Worship Pastor Bev Radney
Executive Pastor Jerry Radney and Worship Pastor Bev Radney
Pastor Jerry and his wife, Bev were given the vision that they needed to show youth who have head knowledge of God but no heart for Him who the Father is, how much He loves them and how important they are in the Kingdom. We believe they will grow into mature Jesus followers by teaching and showing the youth how to be doers of God’s word and not hearers only. They believe 1 Timothy 4:12-13 should be the model to follow by teaching and allowing them to serve others.
Jerry and his family started attending Community Bible Fellowship in 2008 shortly after being invited to do a youth revival at the church. He joined our staff as the youth pastor shortly after. In 2019, Pastor Jerry began serving as the Executive Pastor.. He is also active in the music ministry with his wife Bev, who serves as the Worship Pastor. He plays the bass and sings with the worship team. He and his wife married January 8, 2005 and have been ministering together ever since. They have three children, Jonathan, Amie and Justin, and we can’t forget their awesome son-in-love, Jimmy and daughter-in-love Kelsey. They also have a handsome and energetic grandson, Kamdyn. He loves sports and may be a little competitive. Oh yeah, and their favorite getaway is spending a week at the beach. He is so excited to have the chance to build relationships with parents and be a positive example for the younger generation who are looking for answers.
Pastor Bev has been part of the Community Bible Fellowship family since 2008. Her first step to leading worship was a youth event at our location in 2007, where God began to show her the calling and season for leading worship was beginning in her life. After several years now, she can say, “ I still have much to learn in stewarding and leading our church family in the time we set aside to sing as part of our worship and adoration to our Heavenly Father, but I am thankful I can finally lead worship without being so fearful that I have the sudden urge to run out the back door! As I’ve heard it said by the late Zig Ziglar, F-E-A-R has two meanings, Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is ours.